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Dear Friends,

Sorry to have to make this post, but unfortunately a few individuals have used tools with second life to clone a Meeroo. Many of you have now witnessed or know someone who owns one of these fake Meeroos, which show on examination to be created by "Wibrak55 Oh" " partyrammler Resident" or "Senseo2008 Galaxy"

These non-functioning Meeroos are placed in a sleeping position and created with yellow hovertext above them so the buyer believes they are in Market Mode. It is important to note that these Meeroos will also not report its stats to your HUD upon click.

Sorry about the mix up, the lore for these cute little guys had fallen through the cracks and we didn't notice until they were already live on the grid! We have gotten a number of questions about what happens in this case, so I just wanted to address it here quickly.

The servers are always tracking your discoveries made in the background, so even if a tome page is missing, you are always "getting credit" for your discoveries. So as soon as we make a tome page live everyone who has previously birthed a Bengal in the past will have the associated pages instantly unlocked.

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Exciting sale going on at Roo for 24 Hours only! The Meepet Honey dipper has been placed on sale for HALF PRICE! This is your opportunity to preserve those special coats, costumes or precious companions you don't want to set free to the wild.

Sale ends Monday at Midnight PST.

Catherine's picture

Primbie Update 2.0

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Our wonderful partner in mee-schief and fellow mee-scientist Nex has given your Primbies a brand new fresh update! Primbie will now work with all homes, including seasonal and limited edition homes.

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What an amazing array of beautiful poems we received. So much wonderful talent was shown and judging was not a easy task. Congrats to all that entered and BRAVO to the winners!!


Paradise of Meeroo Dreams By: Ariella Ravenheart

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For all you over the last few months that requested to see Earoos or Zara Come to life? Here is your chance to see them alive and own one. Limited Edition - Egyptian Meeroo Paint set will be on sale this Saturday and for 48 hours only! Location : ROO Sim Saturday and Sunday.

Tiger's picture

Meeroos Web API

There is a new web API ready for testing. Third parties who scrape our site for data will be expected to convert their processes over to using this API to reduce load on our servers once it's ready for production use. After a grace period, any IP addresses found still scraping data the old ways will be blocked.

Interested parties should contact Levio Serenity in world for access to this API.


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Berries are Red and Berries are Blue,
And that’s what I feed my cute little Roo,

When he stands on his legs, arms up and apart,
My heart melts when he emotes all those hearts.

We snuggle, we laugh, we love to play,
Then fast asleep at the stump at the end of the day,

Please write a poem about your Meeroo,
We want you to enter the Contest, too!

Tiger's picture

Tome Updates!

Many of you have undoubtedly noticed some changes going on the Tome, so let me explain!

First, the tome has been name for Vashara, since this is where your existing Roos under her guidance are described. You might surmise from this that Orlex will indeed be getting a new tome of his own.

Hi all,

Our Refund and Exchange policy has been revised and updated to include current and future content. Much of it is exactly the same with a couple of critical changes, that being the limitation of exchanges we can make during a purchase session. I'll explain a little about this.


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