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You've heard our thanks to you on several occasions, as we're continually impressed by the fantastic community that we have supporting Meeroos. But now, we're happy to show that thanks with the continuation of the Winterfest Event through the end of January.

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There was some really close entries, but we did receive one - Winning Entry by: Liuba Mammoth. Congratulations Liuba!!!

moxie polano's picture


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As we begin 2013, we want to thank you for your continued support and participation that makes the Meeroos community the hands-down BEST breedable community in all of Second Life.

It's time to come to Nocturnal Sim and get your Winterfest Frolic on!!

We've made sure all the water on the sim's frozen over for the season and we've even added a nice Skate Pond behind the Boxing Day area, all just in time for us to put out our new RooU Ice Skates! That's right, Ice Skates for your RooU! They come in several colors with cute little pom pom ties, or your choice of beautifully done knit patterns! You can pick your favorites and have some fun! Simply wear and go!

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We've added a Ghost of Holiday Past and Roogu'win the Penguin roo to the collection of winter themed costumes for your Nocturnal pets! As usual, the traits shown may not match your existing pets, it's just a costume. Soap is available for 50L and you can of course, repaint one costume over another.


Tiger's picture

Chapter 3 Rumors

There are rumors floating around, and as I've said here on the blog in the past, don't believe anything you hear unless you read it here on the blog.

There are no plans for a Chapter 3 at this time. Ask me again next summer and who knows.

We do have other things in the pipeline. We've already hinted all over the place about the Legendaries. No, you will not have to purchase new starters for them. But they are going to involve a lot of lore and additional content we're busy trying to get ready.



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