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Tiger's picture

So a year or more ago, I had an idea to let people upload pictures of their roos to the web site by sending a free postcard from Second Life... Unfortunately I only got it about halfway working before I hit a snag. There was a conflict in the libraries used to parse the images out of the emails and no matter what I tried, I couldn't get it resolved!

However, when I rebuilt the web server as part of getting ready for Nocturnals, I found a new different library that didn't have a conflict and now that I've had some free time after launch I got it switched over. Now, onto the good stuff, like, how do you do it?

How to send a snapshot of your roo to the web site.
Inside SL, bring up the snapshot tool (usually control shift S) This is for Firestorm, but Phoenix and other viewers should be very similar.

Pick destination: Email

Under Settings tab here, uncheck "Constrain proportions" and set width and height to 512.

Under message tab, add the following information:


From: Levio Serenity (leave as your name)

Subject: 1 (Put in the ID number or the name of your roo, must be owned by you! If you put in the name, you must have only used that name ONCE ever or it won't work.)

Message: doesn't matter this isn't currently used.

Then click Send button.

After a minute, refresh the page on the web site for this roo. If the image has arrived there is a dropdown menu to let you select a different font color for this image.

In my example the link is:
