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New server changes are live

Tiger's picture

It should have been clear to everyone by now that over the course of the last year, as every roo's DNA got more and more intermingled it was becoming easier and easier to uptrait to new coats. As a result, they would not hold their value on the secondary market as long. In hindsight, I think I wished I had tried to make a change to address this months ago, but I was hesitant to ever tweak something I knew would influence the secondary market. Some players are happy when traits are harder to get, and others very unhappy, so it's a very tricky balancing act.

The upcoming nocturnals and hybrids forced my hand as they really shake up the DNA so to speak, and without some sort of change people would be popping end game coats within a month or two of launch. Clearly unacceptable.

I think that yesterday's changes swung the pendulum a little too far the other way, and so I made another couple of tweaks to things this morning. In the interest of getting something out there in a timely fashion, I have only tested this against your existing diurnals, and haven't tried the new changes on the future nocturnals and hybrids. So I might have to revisit this yet again in the next week or two.
