There is currently a known issue with the hud sticking.
If you attach the hud to any hud location other than its default location of upper left corner be sure to set the hud where you want it then click the <------> button, it should move slightly to the left, if so then you know its now in its closed/hidden state. Edit the hud and move it off to the left so you can only see the tabs. when you click the <----> button again it should pop to the right back to where you placed the hud wile it was in open state.
If you detach or log there is a chance the hud will stick once you log in or reattach it. We are working to fix this issue but it may take some time so for now if it gets stuck in open mode just edit it and slide it off the screen again then click the button and it should pop back out and be working again, same goes for if its already closed, move it to where you want it to be when its open.
this issue also exist if you use the default hud attachment point and move it to another location.
Thank you for being patient wile we try to fix this issue!