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Your FREE V3.0 HUD Update In Depth Info

Tiger's picture

You should get your new V3.0 HUD delivered to you sometime in the next 24 hours. You don't even have to leave your house! Whenever you login to SL or reattach your HUD, and it's been over 24 hours since it last checked, it will check again and a new one will be sent from our servers. Please make sure you accept and not decline it. If you never get anything, you should double check to make sure you haven't muted me (Levio Serenity) in world (yes, it has happened!) or you can drop by the Roo sim and get one for free. More...

You will know when your existing HUD checks for the update, because it will say something in local like: [05:45] WW of Meeroos HUD V1.2: Please hold... checking server for possible updates! and your HUD will turn orange for ~10 seconds while it checks. If you have one of the newer viewers, check those toasts carefully after this. I know I'm still not used to how they work yet myself and often miss things.

No need to worry if you don't get yours right away, players who get theirs first do not gain any sort of advantage over others who don't have theirs yet. This is a MANDATORY update but you will have the next 2-3 weeks to complete the upgrade before existing HUDs stop to function, so you don't need to all rush the sim or anything.

"What's new?" you are probably all wondering by now!! Well there is a new gem on the HUD that will be used to activate the Orlex side, however, this button is currently deactivated until we're ready to go live!! Many people have asked if you need to wear two HUDs and the answer is no! Clearly that would be too cumbersome for players, this new HUD replaces your existing one (which you can just delete) and it has two sides. You can view ANY roo no matter if you're on the Vashara side or the Orlex side when his side becomes available.

Also, we heard your feedback on answering oracle questions and people were frustrated if they accidentally left that page open on the HUD and it was time for another question while they were afk and lost a big winning streak. The new HUD will prompt you if left open on that page when a new question is ready before showing the new question and starting the countdown.

The release button has been changed so now you must enter RELEASE 'meeroo name' in local instead of just RELEASE. A lot of players would accidentally release the wrong roo either by not paying attention or the HUD getting hit by some sim lag. Hopefully in the future, this will ensure you only release the ones you really wanted to. Note: for nests which don't use the HUD and often don't have names, it's still just RELEASE for them.

We've had the weekly "Top Streaks" mini-contest on the web site for a long time now. When we launch, there will be a separate "Top Streaks" for Orlex too. I was thinking perhaps we should give a 10,000 pt regard bonus out to each weeks top 10 players. What does everyone think? Let me know in the comments!
