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Suggestion - Stump Notification messages

Sanne Halberstadt's picture

I mentioned it in the group and CSR said to post it in the forum.

Is it possible that you give us an option to turn off the stump messages

*Meeroo Home V0.77: Resuming normal meeroo activity!
*Meeroo Home V0.77: No nearby players found, putting meeroo in reduced activity mode!

atm I have only 2 stumps on the land, in different places, and whenever someone moves there wearing a hud (which happens often, as we are 3 betatester on the sim and after beta more family members will be wearing huds) I get those messages.

its getting really spammy sometimes so that most of my open chat is filled with them. so an option to turn them off completely would be very, very nice :o)

greetings, Sanne

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