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My Issues with this release...

Tari Landar's picture

I've already turned my NC into staff, just wanted to put it here as well for bug reporting...

Basically my evening went like this

Got my trunk fine and dandy and got everything rezzed out fine.

Started to birth the nests, I always start one and wait until it gets at least 20 seconds lower on the timer before starting the next(I'm just weird like that)
All 6 were counting down fine, no issues

First nest born, everything is fine, he connects to stump fine too
Second an error
all the remaining got the same error and went back to normal hovertext
kept trying to birth, repeatedly.. kept getting same error
eventually I got one to go through, she birthed fine, but deformed, lol(and she still is, but is in my inventory atm)
eventually the remaining 4 nests did what I *thought* was going to be an actual birth, instead they gave me the DB being down error, gave me the red "nest is empty" text and they all poofed.

So I am 2 for 6, and one of them is having an identity crisis and thinks she has 2 heads. I'm not logged in sl right now, but when I log in I will continue trying to rebuild her, thus far, it hasn't worked. I just continue getting the "this meeroo cannot be updated, it's skipping for now, but will try again later" message.

My regard and fellowship reset as well. This happened after I got a question right on the oracle, lol. It was fine up until that point.
When I click the "YOU" tab and then go to my page from the hud, it basically tells me I just started today, and have no meeroos. However if I go to leaderboard, and click on my fellowship from there, most of the people that were in it, still show.

I know all is being worked on, and the issues will be fixed. I'm not worried about issues or anything, simply adding this for proper bug reporting :)

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