Today I noticed two bugs.
1) When I'm around other people's meeroos and they are not present. There is a chance that their meeroos will dig up treasures. These treasures I can not click and are lost to the owner.
It's an evil tease to see treasure I can't collect! D:
(Hope you see the sarcasm there. :p)
2) When a meeroo is coming towards you to ask for a snuggle, they can not tell if you moved. So if I was standing some where and saw a meeroo headin straight for me. If were to take a few steps to the side the meeroo wouldn't adjust it's course and come towards me. Instead it'll go to where I was standing and ask for the snuggle to a poof of air.
This breaks them a little for me because I can notice the flaw in the coding. (Being a scripter myself.) However it's not game breaking but it is the little things that matter no?
Also speaking of snuggles I'd love to know how you get a meeroo on your shoulder. Do you just pick'em up and attach them there? Or is there a special way to do it.