I am just a new user taking some time out of my day to right about my experience with customer support. Or my lack there of...
I have paid you guys several lindens directly for a service, a service they should work... a service that when it doesn't work(because it's not like a one time purchase where if it messes up you're on your own because these things had to live and be active and you guys own the server/scripts and whole system. NOT TO MENTION EVER BUSINESS WILL HAPPILY SUBSTITUTE A BROKEN ITEM THAT IS "THEIR" FAULT FOR A NEW WORKING ONE) so when something I paid for breaks and I teleport your kind but not able to help me CSR to my Meeroos and basically get told "yea I pretty much can do nothing about it but it's broken and not your fault. " I want answers...
I was told my meeroos were set up correctly and working right, except they had completely missed an entire breeding season. I would not have cared so much. But they were kois that I had saved up for. Then I was told all she could do was offer me a starter nest that would absolutely not compare to the offspring of two solid kois. Seriously? all i got was a winecoat nest and a yea you're screwed its our fault deal with it. How is that ok or acceptable customer service?
I can fix this problem I am a scripter... My boyfriend could fix this problem... I've seen 20 people in support chat explain how to fix this issue. But yet you guys ignore us and take our money and shell out that you cannot fix this issue. Meanwhile catherine runs around like a chicken with her head cut off answering rumor spreaders and unsatisfied customers with as vague answers as she can get away with while your system lies flawed. Fix the things that need to be fixed before worrying about the trivial things that every business receives and will survive if there stuff works right and customers are treated fairly. If two meeroos are set up perfectly why won't they create a nest during their season? and why the hell do you keep telling us you cannot crate a manual nest from our meeroos using their id numbers to generate it? you can... But it just looks like you don't want to train your CSR to do anything but babysit and tell people they are screwed or not to say penis in the chat group while you continue to take our money because enough people are not taking a stand on the issue. I turned a blind eye to every ill report I have heard about meeroos and still gave you guys an honest chance... until it happened to me. Well, my eyes are open now... please fix it, that's all I ask.