
Catherine and Allatu,
Could you please consider having rules for the Feedback forum that are similar to the rules for the old Comments forum?
In the old comments forum, members could make posts that either expressed their experiences to the Malevay team or made suggestions. If you agreed with a particular post, you could add your voice to the topic. If you didn't agree, you were politely asked not to post to the topic. You could however, make a separate topic to express your own experience or make a suggestion. I liked this format becaused it kept things clean and helped prevent topics from degenerating into back-and-forth arguments between two opposing sides.
For me, feedback is personal. It is one person sharing his or her own thoughts on an experience. That information is directed toward the person asking for the feedback (in this case the Malevay team). I'm not sure if others feel the same way, but when giving feedback, I feel I am not asking for advice, debate, or discussion. I am only asking to be heard. Leaving the topics open for other posters is good because it allows people who have had a similar experience to add their voice to the feedback.
Disagreement with a person's point of view is not wrong, as one may have a completely different experience to share that may serve as a counterpoint, but it would be great if that different experience could be made into its own topic. Makes things easier to follow and I think would encourage more people to post. Even if what people have to say may not be popular, the experiences they describe are their own. I'd like to respect that and give them that space. I don't want members to be discouraged from giving honest feedback here for fear they may be disparaged for what they write or compelled to defend their feelings in their own threads. Please, let's work together to make this forum an environment for all to feel comfortable expressing themeselves.