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Trask Arabello's picture

So I'm hearing the regard is going to be pointless?? Why not? Just set em down and never touch em and be done with it and the big breeders can go on like business as usual and undervalue everything just like every other breedable. This was an interesting was to help level a playing field for people and at the first sign of "oh you have to do something?? what!!" and its "oh you don't need to bother yourself we wont make regard a big deal, thats just for suckers". If you want to be every other breedable, you better have one helluva game plan cause i don't know if you've noticed but they're not doing so well. It was admittedly rumors that regard was going to allow you to make better meeroos and unlock hidden traits, now its just gonna, well, um, i guess give you regard?? What? Very disappointing.

You need to be clearly telling people what regard will do for them if anything or you're gonna have a lot of angry people finding out the hard way its not gonna help them at all. And that's bad business.

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