
I always thought the stories behind the meeroo coats were done very well, to give some background and depth into the new coats but lately it seems to have just turned into stuff being said for the sake of it.
New Dawn - Tome says:
It enjoys swimming and can often be found in or near the water in search of small ocean plants.
Mistake - The new dawn eats berries not even remotely close to plants
Forest - Tome says:
It's coat allows it to blend in with the natural pattern of the trees that it spends a great deal of time climbing.
Mistake - There's not even an anim for it to climb
Wavecrest - Tome says:
A strong swimmer it can often be seen engauging in its favorite pastime of diving
Mistake - No Diving anim
basically this might seem like small potatoes, but i just think that if there is going to be background history on every coat, if you mention sea plants.. put it on sea plants.. if you say it likes diving/swimmg/playing in a rock band, then give it those anims.
Stop just throwing stuff in there that makes no sense.