
OK Tiger I get the concept of the first of the new species being a mutation from other species, they have to come out of somewhat....but seriously WTF!!!!
I have Goldfootz and New Dawns, Great Corals and Forests, many of which I have bred, some which I purchased.
I spent hard earned money buying into a species in order to BREED OUT the next coat... but is that happening NO... to date every new coat that drops is coming from unrelated Species... How can it be a BREEDING GAME when you cannot know what these coats are going to pop from.
This in effect has become a LOTTERY... throw random masked roos together and you may get lucky you may not.
I would truly love for you to offer some VALID explanation.. and NO the mutation excuse holds no water anymore, the species id out there and breeding and natural progression should be from within that species.
I am pretty certain I am not the only one feeling angry and ripped off that once again Malevay have created a lottery system that has nothing to do with the "Breeding Game" Meeroos was supposed to be!!!