
Warning - This might sound like a rant so please weed through the groans, whines and complaints and hear the core issue. I'll try to not over do it. :)
Also anyone who's against discussions regarding the secondary market, please don't post negative remarks as it detours the intended purpose of this post. Which is to provide feedback.
In my personal opinion which is shared with many of my peers, the release of the welsh/sun roos was poorly implemented. It is because of this that that the secondary market hasn't kicked back up like it should've. These roos became too easy to obtain and punished those that progressed far in the breeding game.
At this current stage; Meeroos are a breeding game. The idea is to progress further and further and achieve better and better roos through careful planning and a bit of luck. I myself and many others had progressed to what was the limit at that time. We had the kimodos, tribals, pharaohs, dynastys, etc. We were at the peak and ready for more.
Then comes the welsh/sun species. In the first few days of their release, everyone notice that they were hitting the grid hard and fast. They were popping out of everywhere. However what they were popping out from was rather interesting.
Sun/Welsh roos were only popping out of gaels, pines, and masked roo combos. You rarely saw it come form a masked/nile combo and you definitely didn't see it pop out of a nile/savanna combo.
Within a week I realized that I was screwed out of getting Sun/Welsh roos. So I had to do a change of plan and quickly grab one and make more of them if I am to stay current with the market.
Even though I was able to afford one I was still rather pissed that my loved niles and savannas will never produce a welsh or burning sun roo. It just won't happen on their own. Meeroos are built one way, to progress downward in genetics. You breed'em and they try to bring out those hidden traits.
Welsh and sun roos proved to be more dominated than painted and savanna genetically. This made it easy for me to reproduce them and gain the army I have now. However in the process I cleared out all my savanna and most of my nile roos. For at this point in the game they aren't worth anything.
I actually had to go backwards in breeding, just to go forward in the game and stay current with the market. This shouldn't have happened, and should never happen again.
I don't know what the reasoning was in how they two new species were added. Some say it was to balance the game and give other players a chance to catch up. Some say it was just MS doing it for kicks. If it was for balance, I have to say... "fuck balance."
Even if you did balance it, in the end the high-end breders will buy them up, breed them out, and sell'em for a premium. The only difference is they are upset in having to go backwards and are now selling these roos for cheaper than what they are worth.
Currently the prices for some of these sun/welsh roos varies but here's a rough list:
Goldfoot: 3-5k
Great Coral:6k-10k
dawn: 3-5k
Forest: 8-15k
The different between them is so small, it's better off to buy the 2nd coat than bother breeding the first up to it. This shouldn't have happened. The welsh and sun roos should've came from Niles/Savannas.
Balancing the player base's roos will not change how the market works and will just stiffen it. Eventually the market will fix itself and those with the cash will once again end up with the latest roos. Only this time they won't be happy about the trouble they had to go through and spend less which is exactly what is happening now.
Those with cash are spending less, are being more careful, because the market was thrown out of whack by the welsh and sun roos. So their money isn't trickling down as it should've been which in turn is making other sellers anixious. These anixious sellers release roos, shrink stock, sell fast and hard. They do whatever they can to keep themselves floating.
Some already have backed out and left, your own records should show this or not. All because the cash wasn't flowing downward enough.
You might think this sounds shallow and greedy, but this is how the world works, this is how markets work. It's all about the cash. If there is no cash coming from this business there will be no investors (aka high-end breeders with cash to spend). And since there are no investors the market slowly stalls and eventually dies out.
The moment these investors find something new they will announce it to the world that this new product (breadable) is better in hopes of generating hype that make them cash. By generating this hype, players have their attention detoured by the next "Shiny" thing and leave the current breedable (meeroos) and move to something new.
Do you not see how this vicious cycle just keeps going? Everything trickles downward. It's like a pebble hitting the water, there are rippling effects which can be good or bad.
The Welsh/sun roos coming out of pines,gaels, and mask roos was bad.