Sometime back, we were chatting in WWM group, and someone queried why their roo stayed on 95% so long. At the time, one of the more reliable sources noted that meeroos season percentage advances when they eat and that the feeding schedule for each meeroo was singular to that roo and was thus different for each and every roo. The broader "Season" schedule standardizes for all roos within a particular personality... that is understood. For instance, once they mature, ALL "friendly" roos are on "rise" on the same day; however, all friendly roos don't switch over at the same time and, thus, can get hung-up on 95%, say. Anyway, since the chat session, we have been coaxing our pairs within no more than 2 - 3 minutes of each other, but we still notice that they do not progress to their different stages of season within the same time. We coaxed a pair within seconds of each other, and now that they are mature, one hits season and then the other has taken several hours to advance so they can mate. It kind of casts doubt on the theory that if they are coaxed together, they will eat together. Can someone tell me exactly how the whole "feeding" thing works? Does each roo have it's own little internal clock that governs when they eat and advance, or do they, as with personalities, adjust to a general "window" that governs the time... We'd really appreciate knowing so that we can advance our knowledge of meeroos in general. Thanks very much!