
Alright I'm well aware this probably doesn't belong here. However this is the only fesable place I could figure to put this. Yes I probably just killed the spelling of that world too.
This started out in MoD (Muffins of Doom) Chat where as most people know, I help Moderate and help Caytee and Dayn. This started out as a laugh to help other people have a good day. Let's face it, we all need laughs.
I am posting this and allowing others, to add their feed back in the form of make your own, add onto mine.
I am doing this based on the order I saw meeroos appear. It doesn't mean it's accurate..
As I posted in MoD chat.. this is a very TaliRoo christmas carol....
*On the first day of christmas my true love gave to me...
A winecoat in a pear tree.. Poor lil thing...
*On the second day of christmas my true love gave to me
Two Fawns mating and a winecoat in a pear tree..
They better not make me another damn fawn...
*On the third day of christmas, my true love gave to me
Three Ursine's leaping, two fawns a mating, and a winecoat in a pear tree..
Couldn't the lil buggers have at least been somewhat compatable??
*On the fourth day of christmas , my true love gave to me
Four kois stump humping, three ursine's leaping, two fawns a mating, and a winecoat in a pear tree.
Christ where the hell did these things come from!
*On the fifth day of christmas, my true love gave to meeeee
5 Red playing roo ball, four kois stumphumping, three leaping ursines, two fawns a mating, and a winecoat in a pear tree....
Gd aren't those fawns done yet????
* On the sixth day of christmas, my true love gave to me
Six Autumns digging, 5 reds playing roo ball, 4 stump humping kois, three leaping ursine, two fawns a mating and a winecoat in a pear tree..
What the ... ok.. a rotten banana? Really????
* On the seventh day of christmas, my true love gave to me..
Seven Sierra staring up at me. They're mischevious, all of them and they are staring at me!!!! Six autumns digging, Give reds playing rooball, Four stump humping Kois, Three leaping ursine, Two fawns a Mating, and a Winecoat in a pear tree...
Is it me or am I getting paranoid when they look at me like that.
* On the eighth day of christmas, my true love gave to me
Eight ambers berry eating ok.. now those sorta look like they got rolled in caramel. Seven sierras staring at me, six autumns digging, five reds playing roo ball, four stump humping kois, three leaping ursine, two mating fawns and a winecoat in a pear tree
* On the nineth day of christmas, my true love gave to me
9 cross dressing kabuki.. Well! It's a male and it's wearing red and black make up! What do you expect me to think! Eight ambers eatting berries, seven sierras staring at me, six autumns digging, five reds playing rooball, four stump humping kois, three leaping ursine, two fawns a mating, and a winecoat in a pear tree.
I'm, slightly getting a headache!
* On the tenth day of christmas, my true love gave to me
Ten painted coloring, ok umm we need kindergarden classes to teach someone to paint in the lines. Nine cross dressing kabuki, eight ambers eatting, seven staring sierra, six autumns digging, five reds playing rooball, four stump humping kois, three leaping ursine, two fawns a mating, and a wine coat in a pear tree!
* On the eleventh day of christmas, my true love gave to me
Eleven highlands playing with blocks. Is it just me or do they look like bananas on legs? Ten painting painteds, nine cross dressing kabuki, eight eating ambers, seven staring sierra, six autumns digging, five reds playing roo ball, four stump humping kois, three leaping ursine, two fawns a mating, and a winecoat in a pear tree.
Dear.... I want a departnership...
* On the twelth day of christmas , my true love gave to me
12 Azure playing hide the tin can... Ok was this some sorta clue? Eleven banana highlands with blocks, ten painting painteds, nine cross dressers called kabukis, eight eatting ambers, seven staring sierras, six autumns digging, five reds playing rooball, four stump humping kois, three leaping ursine, two fawns a mating, and a winecoat in a pear tree!!!
Happy Roo-Mas everybody!
Now that I'm psychotic, neurotic, departnered, stuck with more roos then I do porn flicks.. I'm going to go hang dress in my roo av and try to find a new mate.. *sets down her trusty translator* guys? I'm a new breed?
>.> ok I wouldn't really do that but it would fit after all that. No it's not a diss to forget other roo types. just yea so much space, so little time!