
Okay... I have to say this is *really* getting old, and I haven't had a chance to say anything before these threads were locked in the past, so here we go.
Do me a favor. Everyone go get a drink & a snack, and take five minutes to read this whole thing before anyone says anything else about Sacred Tome or Malevay.
When Sacred Tome thought that the community needed answers on a few things and wanted to get information all together in one place rather than scattered around on the site and in the forums, we sent Catherine a request to have someone from Malevay come to Sacred Tome for an interview.
How dare we ask! How dare they agree to come here!
This past Saturday, one of our regulars at Sacred Tome who is involved in organizing the support effort approached us and asked if we would host an auction to raise money for Mehgan's family. This person has never had ANY affiliation with Malevay at all. She also donated hundreds of thousands of L$ worth of her own Meeroos/nests for the auction & the nest sales. We agreed to give up the auction house for a night to have them do it and had them put out three donation jars on our sim.
How dare they ask! How dare we agree to host one!
Someone from the team doing all the organization went to Levio & asked if he would agree to being auctioned off as part of the efforts to help raise more money. He & Dawnara not only agreed to that, but even offered to match the winning bids.
How dare all of them do such things! The nerve!
The last time something good was attempted, Malevay got torn apart for not advertising something that was not their idea, for not broadcasting something that they were not in charge of recording, for not demanding their own location for the interview, for not making sure the interview was accessible to those that could not get into the sim, and people acted like it was some sort of private invitation-only event just because they didn't advertise it. Who advertises their own interview? What company spams all over the place when invited to an interview? What company insists on control over the audio recording of the interview? They don't! Why should Malevay be forced to jump through more hoops than any other company out there? If anything, blame ME for not having the foresight to think about broadcasting the interview done by MY staff at MY location to more people.
This time, they made an effort to take previous concerns into account and notify everyone of what was going on and still got torn apart. Because they didn't refuse the venue chosen by a non-Malevay charity organizer?
It seems they can't do ANYTHING right in the eyes of some. If anyone stops to take the time to look at the notecard Catherine was given and that she sent out in the groups, this is the time stamp: 2011-11-12 06:26:19.
She was given the FIRST card that was made when only the Twas sim & Sacred Tome had gotten involved, so she wasn't even provided the info about other people/places that got involved after that. When Levio made his post on the site about being asked to be in the auction, do you think he had the information about all the other places that were contributing? Do you really think when he was approached about it, they said "hey, can we auction you off, and by the way, here's the entire list of everyone else involved, all events where support is implied, and all businesses where nests can be purchased."
NO, that's not how it works. Reality check, people. They asked for Levio's help. They weren't there to debrief him on every detail about what was being organized and where.
OMG! How dare everyone!
To those people complaining that Sacred Tome is the only auction house involved in these things, why don't you get off of the forum and ASK to be involved in things? Malevay specifically said that other locations can be involved after the interview explosion and to just ASK. Why is it that because WE asked to interview them, and others didn't, Malevay is the devil incarnate and we have some kind of inside thing with them? And why is it that when one of our non-Malevay friends asked us to host a charity auction but also asks someone at Malevay to be involved, that it's a bad thing?
Sacred Tome has a reputation for being very big into Meeroo & breeding education. Does it not make sense that we would want to ask Malevay for an interview about Meeroos (surprise!) in an effort to help educate people that might be confused about a few things?
Sacred Tome has also reputation for selling only high-end meeroos for "market value", or close to it. The charity was for high-end meeroos. We were asked by someone that regularly sells their high-end Meeroos at Sacred Tome. Kinda makes sense, right? There are donation stands with notecards all over SL with the info about this. It wasn't a secret. Anyone could have stepped forward to get involved and STILL CAN, and fortunately many amazing people did.
I'm sorry, but all these arguments sound like children arguing on the playground over a toy. So many people are not stopping to look at the facts involved, but instead contributing to the drama and hearsay.
Not a single person has come to ME, the owner of Sacred Tome, to ask about anything. All that's happened is a bunch of accusations, speculation & flaming on the forums. Some people have gone so far to imply that people involved with Sacred Tome are actually alts of Malevay.
Are you kidding me?
It's really a shame that Malevay either has to stop being involved when requested to help the community, or continue to waste time answering BS posts full of drama. How about you let them focus on solving all the OTHER *sometimes* relevant complaints?
I'm going to be somewhat less polite now.
Calm down, shut up, and either get involved yourself, or quit complaining. Stop taking it out on people that are attempting to do good things for the community. Stand up and make an effort instead of sitting there whining about how you missed out.
Thanks to those who have supported the effort to help Mehgan's family, those who have stopped to take the FACTS into account, and those who do not run around pointing fingers every step of the way.