
As my title states, I just want to thank Catherine for taking the time to answer some of the questions and posts.
Although there is not much she can actually say at this time, hopefully this will at least calm some of the people who were starting to get restless, and wanted some acknowledgement from MS that they were being heard.
Personally, the lack of communication at this point had not bothered me that much, because I understand that they are hard at work on the expansion and other things, but it isn't good for anyone, especially the community in general, when people start getting frustrated that their posts are not being answered, so I do appreciate Catherine taking the time to respond to some posts.
I am sorry to hear that Allison did not work out as Community Manager, but hopefully someone will be found to replace her soon, and in the meantime, maybe we can all try to be a little more patient, and allow Catherine to respond when she can, without criticising her responses, or the frequency of them.
There is just one more thing that I am sure many people (myself included) would like an acknowledgement of, and that is the stump jumping issue, so Catherine if you see this, perhaps you could let us know that you have discussed this with Levio, and it is being looked into.
But for now, Let's move forward, new coats are being discovered, hopefully the missing traits will be found soon too, and then we have the update AND the expansion to look forward to, as well as the release of the wee-mee, and those interesting critters that stowed away on the boat (as just confirmed by Catherine in one of her replies, they are still coming, after the update and expansion go live), so we have lots of stuff to look forward to and be excited about. :)