
Communication with your customers is vital, it keeps us feeling like we are part of things, and don't just say soon or give vague replies in an obscure part of the forum or some chat. We NEED official communication on a REGULAR basis. MS says they are a company, then they need to start acting like one. If ANY other company had done what MS has done, they'd be outta business.
Think of Microsoft just starting out, with an enthusiastic fan base who are hyped with the vision that Microsoft gave them. Then deadlines pass....bugs/holes in coding are exploited/not fixed right away....more deadlines pass...attacks on the company and the consumer...... to which Microsoft, IF they reply, is vague, and actually ends up blaming US the consumer who are the ones putting money in their pockets, and not just once, but multiple times. However, for the most part Microsoft is silent, while things slowly start to fall apart, and things that were promised from the very beginning have failed to appear after 6 months.....
How successful do you think Microsoft would be today if that is how they handled business? They wouldn't even be around today.
Although this is a group of individuals who came up with an idea, they NEED to start thinking of this as a business, and not just something to piss around with. They are receiving (however much, amount is irrelevant here) money that we have either put into the game, or earned...either way, it has the ability of being cashed out. By doing that, we as customers, generally don't ask for much, other than to be given what was promised. If we get that? You will not hear many complaints, of course there are exceptions, but that's normal.
I have joined a start up game recently during their beta phase. Like Malevay they communicated frequently with their users, explaining what was going on and where they were at. However, UNLIKE MS, once they went live, it DIDN'T stop. They continue to inform their users what is going on, what things are in the works etc. I look at that and think....hmm...if only MS would do that. And you know what?! It's a free game! I haven't spent a SINGLE cent to play, and yet I am more informed than anything I've ever come into contact with MS.
Another example is Netflix. Recently they split the company into 2 and changed pricing WITHOUT informing their customers. What happened? HUGE uproar and a public apology from the founder.
There are many other examples I could give but it would all arrive to the same conclusion. YOU MUST COMMUNICATE AND ON A REGULAR BASIS.
I'm sure looking at this wall of text you must wonder why I am doing this, and as I'm sure others will say, if you don't like it get out. I would LOVE to tell those people to STFU. They need to get their heads outta their asses and start looking around. The MAJORITY is unhappy, but if Malevay would start communicating, even if it's to say things are delayed etc, but always keeping us in the loop, things would drastically change. I'm begging MS, to PLEASE stop blaming us and others for their problems and just start doing what they've said they'd do. Provide a breedable with a wonderful folklore. That's what I want, and still kinda hoping for, although it's getting super close to the end for me.