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Consolidated list of errors and omissions in the down-loadable Spreadsheets

Tad Carlucci's picture

Consolidated list of errors and omissions in the down-loadable Spreadsheets:

- Date Born is formatted as Text instead of Date
- Status is formatted as Text instead of Number
- Age is formatted as Text instead of Number
- Max Size is formatted as Text instead of Number
- Generation is formatted as Text instead of Number
- Births is formatted as Text instead of Number
- Births is formatted as Text instead of Number
- Regard is formatted as Text instead of Number
- Mother ID is formatted as Text instead of Number
- Father ID is formatted as Text instead of Number

- Eyes is formatted as one field and should be three:
*** Eye Color
*** Pupil Shape
*** Cornea Type

- Date Born should be re-named Date Coaxed

- Last Seen On Date is omitted
- Date Nest Laid is omitted
- Date Released is omitted
- Owner is omitted
- Home location is omitted

- Date of Last Nest is omitted
- Season is omitted
*** (only meaningful the instant of download)
- Too Soon percentage is omitted

While Season can be determined by Personality doing the work saves users effort and improves the direct usability. While Too Soon can be determined using Date of Last Nest, including it also reduces effort and improves usability.

Owner is listed on the top line. But many of us need to consolidate several spreadsheet together and having the owner identified in each row helps find nests. I'd use the UUID but only the legacy name or even only the display name would help.

Home location would aid in multi-sim management. If this includes the co-ordinates of the stump as well as the simulator, add a column with the SLURL so we can TP direct to the Home for a given Meeroo just as we can click on the link to see its web page.

Taxonomy upgrade extras: