it pains me to write this topic as you seem not to stand by honest people who are continually getting nests stolen .
i had mine stollen 2 days ago and reported it instantly . i supplied you the name
you have the power to stop this dead. but sit there and do nothing .
your reply to me was
timeResponse by Meerooshelper Resident on 2011-09-29 08:19:10
hi there, i'm MH, a supervisor with the meeroos. I do wish i had better news for you but we don't get involved with the secondary market. It appears that it was purchased for 10 lindens. The best advice we can give you, is not to set a price on the meeroo while it is set out, unless on your property. You can do that while the meeroo remains in your inventory date and location, sadly im not the first and i guess by your attitude to resolve this i wont be the last .
and my reply to this we dont care we got your money attitude was
Response by Customer (YOU) on 2011-09-30 13:35:21
this is not good enough your fast enough to be happy with the profit you get from us but you have the ability to sorce the culprate and suspend the nest until a settlement is found . this is theft and no one is going to sell a nest for 10l thats worth 80k you know who has it and were it is . this is an outrage to ppl who play the game in a fare manner and this means you condone these ppl stealing this is no petty crime as we are talking hundreds and you are in turn, turning your back on this and saying it is ok for them to continue to steal. if the likes of E BAY and PAY PAL can sort disputes out by suspending the item and money till it is settled then i think you can to. after all its money from us that help to keep you in the jobs your in . this nest was stolen and the evidence is there for you to see you know who has it and or were the roo is . ive herd your never interested in sorting thiis issue out for others in the past but it amazing that your still turning a blind eye to the theft of nests ..
do we have to try and become vigilantly s or somthing