I got all excited with the meeroo flying broom, but I seem to be too stupid to use it :-)
First time I wore it, the broom looked like I wore it on my right hand but no animation. I tried other attachment points like spine but no success. I didn't edit the broom to another spot, and when I wore it on my right hand again it was far behind me. I don't understand that. Maybe it's got some witchcraft in it :P
I finally figured that I could get a notecard when I clicked it but there was no explanation about attachment points or how you get it to work, just an explanation about the AO. I edited the broom and looked into the content: there were animations. And notecards. I went out of edit mode and my avatar went into the broom flying animation. With the broom hovering somewhere behind me. I detached it, wore it again, no animation. I clicked it, went into edit mode and back out - no animation.
Please can anyone help - how do I get the broom to the right attachment point (and which one is it) and how do I start the animation at all?