For the past few weeks I've been seeing two clear patterns in nest production and the breeding population.
First, the nest production pattern. Current nest production seems to be dominated by the Dryads. To me, it clearly shows that some Personality types are more common, and others less so, when taken from Starters. The pattern, of course, is also strongly effected by the fact that each Personality can mate with two other Personalities. The pattern is almost a straight line, sloping down to the right:
Interestingly, after two or three clear repeats of this pattern, over the last 5-day breeding cycle, the second day in this pattern was suddenly cut off:
First POLL question: did you make a change in your breeding over the past 5 to 10 days? If so, can you explain your thinking?
I'm wondering if there was some wide-spread mood shift which caused a sudden drop in nest production for one of the five Personality type (when looking at the parents).
Next, the breeding population has been steadily dropping at a rate of about 900 live Meeroos per day. Normally there is quite a bit of up-and-down variation in this pattern. But since the peak immediately following the release of the Dryads the breeding population has entered a rather long phase of straight-line decrease with very, very little variation in the day-to-day rate of decline.
Second POLL question: did you make a change in your over-all breeding since the release of the Dryads? If so, again, can you explain your thinking?