
I am really dissapointed once again about how the stones were rewarded.
I was not aware that the first person who got it, would get such an insane amount of money! The only thing i know it that it was told the persom would get a reward if they send in a screenshot as first person.
You have rewards..and REWARDS o.O
I am really happy for the lucky winner.
But really? This unfair to the rest of the world again?
YOU as company know that there is always a sleeping time somewhere. This is the how many times that europe fell outa the boat?? Exactly.
Why was it that hard to let people know when and how late it was coming so people can make their own choises to stay up or not.
But this was totally unfair and i want to make it a point since it is about such a huge amount.
I wonder if it is actually discrimination at this point.
"DISCRIMNATION: It involves the actual behaviors towards groups such as excluding or restricting members of one group from opportunities that are available to another group."
Maybe think before acting?
Oh yes i know certain people are going to react on this.
I personally do not care that much at this point. As long as MY opinion and vieuw comes accros Malavay.