
It is time to move on from the auto petter debate.Many people with high regrads got high regard in other ways. Should they be punshised, I think not. On day when not much is happening for me in sl. I stay at my sim and collect treasures sometimes I can collect up to and over 500 points worth in an hour.Which is more than most people would getting even if they did use the auto petter.Release a 100 nests theres 25k worth of points.Come on not everyone with high regards obtained it through the auto-petters lets be fair.Some people worked damn hard and others out there have well over a thousand live roos and get over 100 nests a day I bet they dont keep even 5% of those so of course their regard will be sky high. if you collect your treasures , release unwanted nests rather than sell for 49L your regard will add up very quickly. So stop crying and get to work !!