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Exercise Ban Hammer

Sippie Andel's picture

I really would hate to see the forum removed or locked down to only Q&A - this can be a great place to share ideas, theories, laughs, etc.

We lost the General section due to poor behavior and flaming, which was a shame - seriously. Yet there are *still* the same few people that continue to shake the hornet's nest... over and over and over again.

Instead of locking the forum down entirely in reaction to the above, why not ban troublemakers as per the forum rules?? Expecting them to "play nicely" hasn't worked before, and certainly isn't now.

I don't feel the entire community would benefit from a time-out approach. Rather, remove the offenders and make this a welcoming place for the majority of roo owners - new and older. Let people feel comfortable asking questions and putting heads together, let the brand new owners see this forum as a place to get help and connect with like-minded people. What they're seeing here now are train wrecks in threads, forum members tag-teaming together in blatant disregard of the rules, and spamming the same messages/bumps over and over again.

Please make the guidelines/rules *mean* something. If there are no consequences for appalling behavior here, what gives the incentive to stop?

Save the forums, ban the offenders.

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