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"Expansion" question

Galen Lewsey's picture

I know there is much question regarding the upcoming expansion, I can completely relate with a lot of the wonder of how this will effect the meeroo adventure as it presently stands. It was referred to as "optional" which i understand of course it is, as "world of warcraft" was also referenced as a sample of a expansion based adventure game. I will first say this, with "world of warcraft" the expansions are rarely realistically an option as all your friends rush out to buy an expansion, you who cannot afford it are stuck and sad with an end to the world as it was pre expansion.

Having said that, I think what needs to have clarification is all of the meeroo's already on the grid.

Are they going to be scrapped?

Will they be updated?

Will I be able to mingle "expansion" meeroo's into my herd for fun and interesting results?

I have "X" number of meeroo's right now, should i pare down my present flock, or should i crank up my breeding before the expansion?

Will my very special meeroo's that have taken months to mean anything when all this new stuff is released?

This I think is the real crux of the situation. Many of us have already put in a fair investment, and i think the majority of meeroo breeder's do hope to be able to have our nests on the secondary market. What it's looking like though is the present secondary market dropping like a lead balloon because noone know's what value their current meeroo's will have once there is an expansion. The uncertainty is I think leading some to unloading what they have so they can get out before the expansion, as well as unloading what they have because they think they'll have to start fresh with the expansion.

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