Okay so about 45 days ago or so I set out to breed a koi with chest fluff. I've gotten rid of most of my herd that didn't have either masked species genes or hair trait genes... Except for a few other great pairs.
I started by purchasing one koi and one chest fluff. I back bred the chest fluff boy to get more chest fluffs and I also bred with fellowship members taking turns keeping nests. I bred the koi with scoobys koi offspring, we each got 1 koi baby. So I took my 2 kois and 2 of my chest fluffs and bred them to each other, of course the first babies have alllll been winecoats but that was expected. So since that started (40 days ago was the first koi/fluff offspring) I've also purchased an emperor that I paired to another chest fluff, and I traded a pair of chest fluffs for another koi, so I now have 4 pairs breeding. I wasn't getting very many compatible babies so I've been breeding anything in or from this group with each other, I've switched them around a few times to match kois with kois and fluffs with fluffs, raising my number of traited pairs to 6 now. Finally last week I got 2 more boy nests that were compatible to 2 of my females. Sooo I paired them up, my first baby from one pair was emperor with chest fluff! Exciting! I feel like I've accomplished something finally, here's the stats. http://www.worldofmeeroos.com/index.php?q=meeroos/meeroo/1645051