
WHY WHY WHY is it so bad for Meeroos to be "just another breedable" in SL?
What is wrong with being a breedable like all the fun breedables that have come before the roos and will come after?!
I find this whole "our breedables are better than *those* breedables" mentality to be snobby and takes the fun out of it for me. I LOVE to breed breedables - I don't play WOW, or stuff like that and frankly I dont want to, but i DO enjoy breeding my roos. I have tendon issues that make petting a painful chore on top of being boring and repetitive. The whole leaderboard thing has been a monumental blunder IMHO. I detest the oracle and simply refuse to even open that tab - as my stats will attest. (the numbers show you the exact number of times i have accidentally clicked the tab LOL).
Oracle Streak: 0 All Time Best: 4
Oracle Right: 18 Wrong: 24
This whole next chapter thing has me seriously re-thinking about the sanity of continuing to breed. As I understand it the next gen are completely new critters that dont interbreed. What have I invested all this time and care for then? So i can have an outdated 1.0 breedable, as Malevey gets their act together and tries again to achieve their highbrow ideals?
This isn't a mindless rant, or a case of trolling. I really want to know.
WHY is it bad to just BE A BREEDABLE?