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Quicky Question about HuD1.2 vs 1.0

Chilali's picture


This is related to the petter bannings, because I want to make sure I and others know how to keep from accidentally being identified as using a petter.

Are you tracking this by HuD versions or by meeroo regard accumulation? If it's by HuD version, using 1.0 (because ripping 1.2 is an auto-ban), then maybe a warning needs to be flagged?

I have some saved clothing outfit sets I put together a while back that I had attached the HuD 1.0 before saving them.

Of course, I forgot to delete all my HuD 1.0 copies and when I switched back to one of my favorite outfits, it loaded the old 1.0 HuD that was buried in my junk.

Now, with the petter tracking and ultimate banning, I've made sure I deleted those with version HuD 1.0.

If it's by meeroo regard accumulation, could the old petters be used to grief another player by someone slipping around and dropping one near their market stall? Or would the owner of the petter object be banned first?

I am just wanting to make sure I avoid any problems, thank you so much!

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