
I am not in-world right now to re-read the previous notices about the Dryads, but I needed to voice my opinion on the seemingly uneven ratios for their types. Between Wednesday night and Thursday night I must have purchased nearly 20 (if not 20 or slightly more) Dryads, and gotten 3 of the 4 coat types. The snowy-white one (forgive me, I forget the name already) has eluded me. I have seen them for sale at a much higher cost than any of the other Dryad coats, so I can only assume it was meant to be more rare? What is the purpose of having limited edition Meeroos and then making an even rarer one among those 4?? All of the Dryads I bought were purchased via the Marketplace. Meanwhile, I witness some folks buying only a handful and getting all four coats. I am not going to purchase any more Dryads. I don't know what to do with all of the duplicates I do have now, and I guess I'll just wait to buy a snowy one once someone decides they want to sell it cheap after a few breedings. Yeah, I DO feel sort of salty about spending the amount of $L I spent to end up with a lot of duplicates.