To your expansion quest you used WoW as an example saying you don't NEED to buy it,yeah your right you didn't NEED to buy it,but if you didn't buy it at some point there was no point in playing WoW because everything was out dated and people didn't run the old content they ran new content .... so if thats how the meeroo expansion is going to be then you don't make sense. Do we need to buy new starter packs to so call experience the expansion? if so then you did lie. Saying you don't need to buy it and can still enjoy your game is kind of just crap because you know and we know, the market is down and with new roo's introduced or whatever your doing thats what is going to sell and people will need to breed them to cover food cost/tier or whatever there expenses for there roo's are.
And you say you will release new genetics for both.. well the random ultra rares that pop out from already ultra rares isn't anything special since allot of people do not have them or can't afford them.. if thats what you been by introducing new genetics.
It all seems kind off to me and your not making much sense you seem to contradict yourselves allot with these really drawn out long responses i rarely read them and maybe thats your intentions idk but yeah anyways thats my 2 sense take it or leave it if you can clarify what i hit on would be great if you don't, then no suprise and its fine.