Okay I have to ask
How exactly this new expansion is not devaluing everything we have worked for?
Everybody has spent countless amounts of money and worked really hard on their meeroos and their regard etc for months now. It was said that any added traits coats etc, wouldn't need requiring new starters, and now you intend to do this 'expansion'
As I have read it, it seems that the meeroos we are using now will mean nothing, once the expansion comes out because basically over a few issues, you guys want to start afresh, with what you have learned from these.
I'm sorry but with the amount of money and effort that everyone of your customers has put in, will now be for nothing, because everything will be worthless.
I am really really disappointed, and frankly angry that our meeroos will mean nothing come the expansion... so thanks for the kick in the teeth, I might as well just delete all I have, and not bother breeding anymore, because it's all just obsolete