
I dont expect that Malevay changes anything, after all what happened with the food vendors and the exploits there has to be some kind of protection so those things cant happen again.
But I wonder if its really necessary to lock out all no-payment info players (even old accounts) and not even offer the Dryads on marketplace?
I've been playing SL since 2007 (Sanne is my *newer* account) I'm age verified by passport number, LL does have all my personal infos, and till now I NEVER had any issues to go to sims or purchase in those stores I wanted to purchase. The only thing I cant make is that [censored] payment info, as in my country you cant verify a paypal account without a creditcard. And I dont have a CC (doesnt matter why, wont tell my personal stuff here) and prolly never will have one.
As I said, I dont expect any changes, the whole community is of course more important than a single player.
But still ... atm I'm so frustrated that I could virtually cry with dissapointment and wrath.
My roos never gave anything that would have given me that *aaaaaahhhh* its a great game FOR EVERYBODY feeling. I will prolly never understand whats about those runes as I couldnt access the sim when the statues were there and I dont have the time to read the forum and blogs for hours every day in a language which is very exhausting for me when I use or read it for more than 30 mins.
Still i kept my roos, spent my time in petting and snuggling and lots of my unverified money in food, paid tier for a land which I wouldnt need if I had none and tried to overcome the unsucessfull breeding with hopes in some kind of future.
And now I saw the pics of the Dryads... and the first time since the beta I had this *aaaaaaahhhh I want, I want, I want* feeling... was excited, wanted some to keep them as pets and now I cant buy them.
Yes I could ask a friend with payment info to go and get some for me - but it wouldnt be the same. No idea if you can understand what I mean but I'd miss the excitement to take them home, rezz the pack and coax them myself, they wouldnt be really MY *babies*.
Perhaps I'm overreacting, but atm I feel really unwelcome in this game. Not being able to participate in whatever or whenever I want discourages me almost as much as not getting any rarer coats from my roos in 6 generations.