Ok, so I was able to secure a really super cheap nest this morning. I mean, change you would find in the couch kinda cheap, and I'm looking for some advice on how best to move forward, as far as breeding goes.
The nest itself is nothing special. It's a winecoat with a short tail. That's it and that's all. The parents are nothing special either, simply plain winecoats with no visible traits.
But... the great grandfather on the mother's side has fluff and chest, and the great grandmother on the mother's side has bushy tail.
And... the grandfather on the father's side is a Painted, the grandmother on the father's side is an Amber. The great grandfather is also Painted, and the great grandmother is a Zulu.
So anyway, there's some good stuff in that lineage, and I'm pondering what's the best way to draw that stuff out.
I have contemplated waiting for the right partner (whatever that means) before coaxing the nest. I have contemplated line and back breeding. I just don't know which way I want to do with it, so I'm looking for some advice.
I respect alot of the posters on here, and I've taken alot of the tips I've picked up along the way and incorporated it into my own breeding. So I figured I'd turn it over to ya'all and see what happens.
If you were me (and be thankful you are not), what exactly what you do?
All advice and thoughts are welcome...