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Forums Closing: Suggestion

Charissa's picture

I realize that the forums are going to close and I can completely accept and sympathize the decision that was made. It is sad and having spent over 6 years in the SL grid, and running a business there my self, I can relate to the abuse and destructive, parasitic behavior of an overly vocal minority.

Before these forums close though I wanted to pose a suggestion or perhaps just throw this idea out there.
People may criticize this as being greedy or whatever, but I say, why don't you guys set up a "support package" or support center which includes a forum for dedicated users of the meeroo community, and further more charge a monthly, bi monthly or tri-monthly fee for access to this support?

If you are willing to commit time and resources to personal interaction with your community, thereby opening your self to the potential abuses such exposure can invite, I imagine actually interacting with those customers whom you KNOW are financially invested into your community is of greater benefit and dependability than a bunch of free-loadingparasites with no other agenda than ti smear Malevay and the meeroos.

Just a thought. I wish you the best with this decision and I can truly appreciate the rationale behind it, regrettable as it is.

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