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Lets Talk About the "Diurnal" Eye

hOt KrOtCh BiScUiT's picture

I would like to get everyones thoughts on the "Diurnal" spot on the eyes, why is it there if there isnt something new to discover here?

Could it be the spot where "vivid" will go? The hint that Catherine threw out in one of her posts?

di·ur·nal (d-ûrnl)
1. Relating to or occurring in a 24-hour period; daily.
2. Occurring or active during the daytime rather than at night: diurnal animals.
3. Botany Opening during daylight hours and closing at night.


Could it be that a new roo will come into play? This was someones thought (and trust me she knows her stuff when it comes to roos)?

viv·id (vvd)
adj. viv·id·er, viv·id·est
1. Perceived as bright and distinct; brilliant: a vivid star.
a. Having intensely bright colors: a vivid tapestry.
b. Having a very high degree of saturation: a vivid purple.
3. Presented in clear and striking manner: a vivid account of the incident. See Synonyms at graphic.
4. Perceived or felt with the freshness of immediate experience: a vivid recollection of their childhood.
5. Active in forming lifelike images: a vivid imagination.

Could it be a combo of both after reading the def. of the two words?

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