Just thinking of an idea here, but perhaps our little meeroo friends are dropping us some hints on their recessive coats by finding unique coat specific treasures!
Up to this point, i've been finding mostly common treasures time and time again with my fawns, winecoats, ursines and reds...I still get excited over stalebread!
Recently i made a purchase of an OS nest with caledonian dominant parents or "pure" as some would prefer to call it. The nest turned out to be a fawn and looking back in it's lineage i can denote that it has a high potential of having either caledonian or highland as a recessive coat.
Just yesterday i had a medicine bag treasure pop and when i went to go collect on it this new fawn/caledonian OS was the critter to find it!
I at first simply took into account that it did have a decent amount of regard and simply wrote it off as that being the reason why, however i have other high regard meeroos that have never produced treasures beyond the basics.
Looking through some other possible treasure findings i'm seeing things like nessie tooth, rice pouch ect. Which makes me think, if i have a winecoat that finds a rice pouch does that point to this lil guy having either a koi recessive trait or koi in it's genetics?
Something to definately think about, if anyone has any input or further information that would be awesome to hear!