I forget why the trade and sell forum was taken down, but I myself would love to see it back=]
Does anyone else like to see it return also?
I mean, yeah people can spam like crazy, but most people pick, and choose what threads they want to read, and don't have to click a thread they don't want to read, if spamming was a problem, and spammers could be banned on the forum if that's the case.
Yes, there is a Secondary Market, and lots of groups, but its hard to find trade groups.
Now about the blog idea's, what idea's can we give Malevay to improve to a newer and fresher blog?
I'd like to see them add some type of little instant chat here on the blog... Like a little chat room, so everyone on the blog page can enter and join the chat so we can talk to each other instantly like we would an IM. This would be a super great idea, and yes, there will be an occasional spammer, maybe but they can be dealt with.