I saved up my lindens and went shopping for a Koi so I could finally break into the Japanese meeroos. I found a male Koi, and then an Emperor offspring.
The next day I stood by them and mapped out their family trees. During this time my Koi digs up a treasure and it was a Nessie Tooth. At the time I got excited cause of all the rumors about treasures being possible clues to whats hidden in that meeroos lineage. To this day he as dug up Nessie Tooth twice and not a single treasure I saw my friend's masked meeroos dig.
Now lets fast forward to the first and second nest. Will put links:
First Nest:
Second Nest:
As you can see first nest was ursine, which doesn't surprise me. Second was a Highland which never showed up in the family tree. Granted there's a bunch of Gael's in the lineage if ya trace it all. I know its just a matter of time before I get a Koi since father is one, but I really hope I don't end up with mostly Gael's.
I mean I know its still early but after three months of busting butt with my low end coats to save up to buy the Koi and that Emperor offspring and see that as first two nests kinda bugs me. Maybe I didn't match them up well but at this point I don't really have a choice.
Both sides of family have Koi, Emperor, and Painted Nile and I really thought I found a really great pairing for what lindens I had to spend.
I guess what I asking is did I make a mistake with how I paired these two up or am I just being too impatient?