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MS Staff List

major mccaw's picture

I have seen a lot of posts on the forum asking for a complete Malevay Studios staff listing.

I, for one, and I assume there are others, can totally understand why Malevay Studios does not list all their staff members, specially the CSR's. My WWM member number is in the 11000 range and I must assume that others joined after I did and have meeroos also.

So let's run a little hypothetical situation.
Let's say there is a hacker attack that changes all the nests born to say "baby waiting" ( sound familiar?) So the 11000 members each have a nest they need fixed. Now let's say Malevay has 24 CSR's and they work 8 hour shifts around the clock. So there are 8 CSR's on duty at any one time. In any given hour there would be 458 meeroo owners ( 11000/24) attempting to IM 8 CSR's to have their nests fixed NOW. So each CSR could be receiving around 60 IM's per hour from upset members.

How much work could the CSR's get done repairing things while trying to respond to those IM's? This does not take into consideration how many members would IM people who have absolutely nothing to do with repairing broken nests (the "you work for the company so fix it" philosophy).

personally, I think the system they have now is the only way they can work and get anything done. And in times of major problems there will be a wait. But from my experience, in normal times, their response is very rapid and professional.

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