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Q&A thread revised Maybe its just a Q thread

Trask Arabello's picture

And yet you still manage to not answer the important questions from the Q&A thread that we really need to know. In case you've forgetten:

1. food consumption still seems to be above where it should be for many people

2. can we trust the stats on nests purchased after the mess of last week ish

3. chest nerfing and the effect on trait distribution as it seems to only be that they breed the good stuff in gen 3 now why is our breeding not showing rares even now

4. why is there such a gap in worthless and ultra rare that most players can't get

5. is there any plan to adjust the disparity for players post nerf

6. when will the fixes for the chest fluff be on the hud and a proper and navigable genealogy tree on the website me made

7. when will the new oracle questions ever begin

8. When will the promised forum suite update ever happen

9. Why are people dropping this game like a bad habit - oh nvmd I answered that question see above

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