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Molly Wellesley's picture

I have loved being part of this community and I think meeroos is one of the best things that has happened to SL in a very long time.

But on monday when all my fellowship friends are back so I can pass my meeroos to them I will give up my meeroos.

I fully understand the measure taken by Malevay, and I realize this is a temporary solution to protect customers and the company.

I hate cheating and gaming and criminal activities of any kind. Since the decision to not allow entrance to Roo without PIOF, I constantly get to listen to people questioning the honesty of all of us that don't choose to have payment info filed with LL. Some with openly very derogative and slanderous remarks.

I can not defend myself against that kind of smearing, and if I can't take part in the community chat any more too much of what I have come liked with the game will be lost.

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