I think everyone involved in the Meeroo game, except the Malevay Studios employees, needs to take a step back from the keyboard for a minute and put what is currently happening in perspective.
There are some major issues with the way the game is running right now. The major issues appear to be caused by an outside attack on the game by some malicious hackers.
While the staff at Malevay Studios takes action to fix the damage the hackers are doing and prevent further attacks, we, the meeroos game players, can do but one thing to assist the Malevay Staff. That one thing is to have patience while they address the issues.
Is what is happening frustrating? You bet it is. Do I want to see what's in my nests? You bet I do. Would I like everything to run like a Swiss watch? Sure I would. Do I think the staff at Malevay is doing everything they can to make the game work right? I'll bet they are working their butts off and losing a lot of sleep doing so.
But to put this "game" in perspective, we have to remember that it's a "game". While some of us do have some money invested in it, we need to ask ourselves two questions:
1. Will anyone die or be grievously injured if the game is not functioning properly?, and;
2. Will I physically starve if the game is not functioning properly?
If the answer to either of those two questions is YES, then it's a major problem for that player. If the answer is NO, then it's "small stuff". Personally, it's small stuff too me. So I will wait until they have it fixed, and I'm sure they will, and then come back and enjoy playing more.