Ok this is only an idea, but do you think it is plausable. In nature, natural selection leads to benifical mutations or traits being propagated into the population. Quite a few animals breed with their mates based on displays, dominance, plumage, quality of nest.
We are the ones chosing the roos mates. Now and again it has been hinted at that the roos are based on RL genetics, we also know that roos will only mate with compatable personalities. I am wondering if they have any bias built in to thier genetics to favour one mate over another. Would it be worth trying an experiment with one male and 6 compatible females, 2 each from the 3 different personality traits he will mate with?
Heres my reasoning, from observation of the roos, they are aware of your presence demonstrated by the ability to leave the confines of the stump boundary to come for snuggles. They are aware of their environment as they sleep at night. I have also noticed that some of my roos are usually found, at petting time, in close proximity to the same roos time and time again. I accept it is human nature to look for patterns in random behaviour, but I plan to test this by breeding any roos found constantly in each others company.
We are told that the roos are the most complex breedables so far. We know that a lot of information is passed between roos, nests and servers. Could this be feasable or just imagined?
Your thoughts would be appreciated