Hello I was just wondering something I have been watching this game for long time now ,But seems to me that its heading same way as most all others games in second life do what started as game of fun now turning in to one big killer game top fellowship killing thousands of meeroos to get in top 20 fellowships .I dont get why this game not made fair to all fellowship and not everyone has money to buy meeroos just to set free release button should only be when meeroos get to 60 and not before why have the petting every 4 hours when we can just buy 50 L nest set free get 250 regards sorry I really dont see this is a fair game no more my fellowship pet all day long as we can not afford to buy to set free but we all feel the same that there no point as with in mins another fellowship will over 500 meeroos in day just to get there regards up am I the only one feels this way I dont think I am but no one will speak up .