Almost 1 million roos have been born and died for what??
So we can learn that luck trumps all. That whatever we do we will never be able to hope to get more than a semi lucky strike every 1000 roos. That we can make reds, autumns and sierra with clear eyes? That we still don't get fluff. That the genetic system is set up in a way that makes purposeful breeding for more than 1 trait nay impossible. That were still being told were all doing it wrong. That we have no diversity in the market or our herds. That it isn't changing. That we don't have a rich game play through petting. That trivia is a joke. That we wont be nickel and dimed to death while we go broke.
That all this will create a long term game is antithetical. It may keep some breeding in this pay to play game long after the hope of any return for the slim hope that maybe, just maybe they'll pull that roo they've dreamed of despite odds of winning the state lottery being better. My guess is that in the end they'll just end up buying it for 1k as a reminiscence of lost hopes and dreams. But for the most part the hope of actual breeding success has passed us by.
What have we seen since the chest nerf? Have we seen our breeding progress to any real degree? Have we seen these new things that can only come through breeding? Have we seen changes that would compensate for the starter lottery being the only viable way to progress? Have we seen the company address these things in any real way?
If you read this Catherine, I'd just like to say, we expected so much more. And I'm very saddened to watch this happening to such a wonderful animal that had such potential and hope. Especially since some simple changes could have made such a difference.
I don't speak for all. I'm not naive enough to think I do. I don't have enough roos to make much difference to anyone but myself in the scheme of things. But a great many of your base feel as I do. And a great many of us can't go on like this for much longer. So for now I'll feed my roos and keep a small hope alive. But more and more I feel like I did at the end of bunnys. I dropped my food and when they ran out and hibernated I pulled as many as i could bear to and set down another bowl for the ones left. Again and Again. At 2 months in this is just heartbreaking. Sorry.
And before you all bash me, I think I've been beaten up enough all ready. Very sad.