I was watching the group chat yesterday and saw an interesting topic coming up. It seems that there are some breeders that are changing nests to no transfer when they sell them.
One reason thrown out there was to keep anyone who snipes a next from selling it after taking it for 10L. Granted that would stop a sale, but a nest can easily be coaxed and if someone wishes to sell it that coax button is very easy to push.
I really believe that setting nests or live no trans is hardly fair. People are so use to clicking and buying its not often they check first to make sure a breedable to trans when they purchase. I for one never check and if I happened to purchase one that I found out after was no trans I'd be very upset. The buying and selling of Roos is a free market and to take it upon yourself to disable the free market IMO is not right.
Basically not trying to cause any drama by this post just doing a friendly service message to others who enjoy buying and selling. Buyer beware....Seems you dont always get what you think.