Most of us in beta loved the fluff chest ruffles. I'd say over 90% of us wanted only that on our herds. And I don't know anyone with even one. Something like this should be available much more readily than it has been. You have no idea how much that would improve our game. To actually see something. As it is, we wish we'd never seen the damn things since we will never get any. We didn't mind that it was scarce, or had to be bred for, now it's nay impossible. I wouldn't care if it were in 90% of em within the month. Give us something. Turn the dial way up on that one. We need something happening. That's why there's no market whatsoever at this point. We have nothing! Don't even care what coats you send out to the .002% that would get something new. We want fluff.
Who agrees? We demand cute fluff now!!